
Tragedy, trauma, transformation

Refugees in northern Uganda are seeing how following Jesus makes peace possible

Read more about the impact of our work and what we are seeing God do

Latest prayer news

  • Middle East: ongoing conflict

    Pray for the many affected by the fighting in the Middle East. Pray for protection for those who are fleeing, those who are staying and those who are forced to fight. Pray for aid to reach all those who need it. Pray for people’s hearts to be moved toward reconciliation and for true peace to…

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  • South East Asia: prison ministry

    Mission partners involved in prison ministry with men in South East Asia are currently not permitted to meet with the prisoners in person. Please pray that permission for face-to-face contact will be granted again so that the team can encourage the men through spending time with them.

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  • Sudan: war escalating

    Local partner Bishop Hassan James writes that the war in Sudan is escalating, especially in Darfur and Al-Fashir, and that many families have been displaced. Pray for opportunities for believers to reach displaced people with the gospel and demonstrate God’s love to them. Pray for those driving the conflict to be ready to engage in…

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