Peter and Vasantha, India


Peter and Vasantha, India

Creating quality video material for schools built on biblical values

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Our role is to create a systematic and adaptable video platform for schools to subscribe and use as part of their mandatory value education curriculum.

Our thematic series of video lessons along with worksheets will be used to engage children to reflect, think and take action to become responsible citizens with the foundations of Kingdom Principles.

  • South Asia: relocating

    Pray for mission partners formerly in South Asia who are in the process of relocating. Give thanks that one of them has now got a job, which is very timely. Please continue to pray for a visa for the spouse and also fvor finding accommodation, and schooling for the children. Read more

  • India: heatwave

    Copy hePlease continue to pray for people in India, where the heatwave continues. High temperatures (above 40C every day, and over 50C at times in some locations), combined with humidity, hot winds, water shortages and power outages, are causing people to die of heat stroke. Pray for a cool change to come through and for… Read more

Peter and Vasantha’s story

Peter and Vasantha have a heart to share kingdom values to school children in a systematic way – through films that are thought-provoking, contextual, and relevant to the times. They believe in the idea of rebuilding their nation with biblical values.

Based in Bangalore, Peter conceptualises, directs and produces thematic films and video series. He has also directed several films, documentaries, video series and educational videos for NGOS and colleges.

Vasantha provides individual counselling, teaches counselling psychology for colleges and leads a team of counsellors for India’s first pregnancy helpline.

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