Join us to lift our eyes to Jesus, to lift up those who suffer and all who serve in the cause of mission.
“I pray because I can’t help myself. I pray because I’m helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn’t change God. It changes me.” – CS Lewis
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An invitation to nurture prayerful presence
Latest prayer news
Eyewitness Goma
A call to pray for “a miracle of peace” in DR Congo from CMS mission partner Martin Gordon, Bishop of Goma
Asia: collaborating for effective mission
Please pray for CMS and Asia-CMS as the two organisations develop plans and work together towards being even more effective in mission across Asia. Pray for open communication and unity in the Spirit.
DR Congo: national synod
Mission partner Martin Gordon, Bishop of Congo, writes that the National Synod of the Anglican Church of Congo took place last week. Two of the big decisions made were: to mobilise the necessary resources for a massive evangelism programme and to create a new Department of Justice, Peace and Reconciliation to pursue the church’s prophetic…