Pioneer Curate IME2 training

Pioneer Curate IME2 training

Created for any curate designated as a pioneer or with a specific pioneer brief to their curacy, join this learning community to access dedicated pioneer training.

Run on a three year rolling programme in partnership with Church Mission Society, these sessions are designed to support the fulfilment of the learning criteria for pioneer IME2.

Examples of learning include:

  • Listening in context
  • Pioneer Leadership
  • Pioneer Priest and Pastor
  • Pioneer Spirituality
  • Resilient Pioneer Ministry
  • Pioneer Ecclesiology

Drawing on relevant texts, resources and experience you will explore what contextual pioneering looks like and what it means to be a pioneer leader. During these sessions we’ll be exploring issues such as:

  • How do we listen and respond in context?
  • What do worship and the sacraments look like in fresh expressions of church emerging from pioneer ministry?
  • What does it mean to be a pioneer leader inhabiting two different spaces?
  • What is church? in what ways is pioneer ministry posing new and creative answers to this question?
  • The pioneer spectrum attempts to identify different expressions of the pioneer vocation, we’ll look at where you sit on the pioneer spectrum and also explore the theology and language around pioneer spirituality.
  • What do we mean when we talk about sustainability? What models are emerging for resourcing pioneer ministry for the longer term?

“The provision of pioneer specific IME2 has been a huge help. It’s a space to allow the particular gifts and challenges of this vocation to be held safely as I work through what they bring to my context and curacy.”

A pioneer curate

Facilitated in the South and the North

The training is facilitated online.

You must get permission from your DDO/IME2 officer to access this course. Please do this before filling in the Google form (link below).

For more information please contact:

The South – Paul Bradbury:
The North – Richard Passmore:


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