Planters and pioneers

Planters and pioneers

Location: Lee Abbey, Devon
Dates: Monday 30 September to Friday 4 October 2024

The life of pioneering what God is doing in a new context or leading a team to establish a new church community is one of the most challenging roles within Christian ministry today.

This is a unique opportunity for church pioneers and planters to take time out in an environment of peace, faith and stunning countryside and to share and reflect with others with a similar calling. 

The week is being co-led by CMS’s Tina Hodgett and John McGinley who leads Myriad, supporting lay church planters as part of CCX (the Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication).

Collaborating: Tina Hodgett and John McGinley

Tina says: “It’s a joint venture for everyone across the pioneer spectrum to ‘come away by themselves and rest’.  

“John McGinley of Myriad and I will co-lead with Bible reflections in the mornings, creative response times later, and lots of time to talk, play, walk, gather round the firepit and allow the Holy Spirit to breathe newness into our hearts and souls.”

Take part

Book your place on the Lee Abbey website: