Gabriel Parra, Chile


Gabriel Parra, Chile

Developing the ministerial strategic plan of the church plant while serving as assistant pastor in a larger nearby church and teaching about Christianity in a local school

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My focus is to put together a team and develop a strategic plan for the church plant, strengthening local mission communities and making our presence known in the community. I also invest time in supporting new leaders and helping church members to grow in maturity and biblical knowledge.

In order for our new church plant to flourish, we believe we need to assemble a team and develop a strategy. In addition, the church I help pastor needs more support for our mission communities so they can bless those around them in practical ways.

  • Brazil: prison ministry

    Mission partners Andy and Kati Walsh and Katia Rocks are involved in prison ministry in Florianópolis, Brazil. They invite us to give thanks for men engaging with discipleship materials and to pray for Jesus to bring lasting transformation in their lives. They also ask us to pray that obstacles in running courses in the women’s… Read more

  • Peru: reaching people at the edges

    Please pray for a gathering in Lima over the next week (24 November to 1 December) bringing together CMS people in mission and pioneers who are exploring ways to share Jesus with people who wouldn’t ordinarily connect with churches. As the group comes together from across Latin America to discern how to catalyse more creative… Read more

Gabriel’s story

Growing up in a believing family, I continuously learned from the Bible and the Christian counterculture. Despite this, by the time I started university, my heart was not focused on the Lord. As time went on, however, I became active in the Christian union and my church. I experienced a spiritual awakening as I studied the Bible with my friends and left sinful attitudes behind. Following my spiritual awakening, the Lord blessed me with my wife Rebeca and the opportunity to serve in a new community in Valparaiso. There we served for two years as ministerial apprentices, and then we went to Santiago where I trained at the Centre for Pastoral Studies for three years to become a pastor. Today, with our little daughter Eloisa, we have returned to Valparaiso to serve the Anglican Church.

Being part of CMS not only covers a portion of our income to be able to serve the Lord in Valparaiso, but also allows us to be part of a network of brothers in Christ where we can receive support and prayer. In addition, we love to keep in mind that God’s mission is global and we see his actions in very different places and cultures.

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