True potential
True potential
Photo: “The course with CMS in the hub was very enlightening.” Sarah Bruce (in white coat) with fellow Birmingham pioneers
Sarah Bruce studied for the CMS Certificate in Pioneer Mission at the Newbigin Hub in Birmingham. Sarah is a volunteer at the Newbigin Community Trust and kindly shared her story with me.
by Helen Harwood,
Helen: Sarah, thank you for agreeing to be interviewed. Can you tell us more about the study you did with CMS in the hub?
Sarah: The course with CMS in the hub was very interesting and enlightening. It felt like I was learning about Christianity and also it was fun, something I didn’t expect! The assignments were great to complete and hand in! I came to the course through a close friend who had completed it the year before.
You told me that completing things has never been easy for you, and your family have never seen you as good enough academically (they are all university educated). You have felt alienated from family, and you came to pioneering not expecting anything. However, you have found an inner strength through following and completing the course. Can you tell us how the course and church have affirmed that you are intelligent, and have given you strength?
Growing up, I rebelled against school, parents and education. I was educated at a private school and expected to achieve due to education being paid for. I left with one GCSE in English Language.
I am a trained nursery nurse but have not taken part in any formal education since, due to work and being a lone parent. I became a manager and went as far as I was able in my career. I then became an advocate re alcohol and drug addiction due to my lived experience.
I now volunteer, as illness prevents me from working. The church and course have affirmed my confidence through encouragement, support, faith, and with positive feedback from assignments and their successful completion.
I know you want to promote your project and also explore Christianity as a very new Christian. Please tell us about your many ideas and how you love to see people using hidden skills, skills that they may not even know they have! I know your project is around hoarding, and as a hoarder yourself you have lived experience of this. I understand you provide telephone support and help in homes to clear out clutter. Please tell us more about the group and some of the success stories.
I love seeing people fulfilling their true potential against all adversity, and having worked on their issues they get to relax and enjoy activities such as the choir, which I help to run. People get to address their problems re hoarding through support at group, and practical support too.
Two people came to the group for many weeks before they trusted us enough to visit them in their home to help them clear their clutter. It was a beautiful emotional morning and they were so brave and determined.
Our two fantastic volunteers worked so hard and with such sensitivity. The volunteers have been back twice since, the hoards have decreased and all is so tidy. They are very happy.
Can you tell us more about the Newbigin Community Trust you are part of and how they have become friends and family?
Since joining the Newbigin Community Trust, which jointly runs a centre with the URC, as a staff member I have felt valued and supported for what I can bring through my life experience. Any ideas and views I have have been listened to. This means a lot as I have always felt ignored and devalued. Now, as a volunteer, I attend the centre regularly and gain comfort from my church family and the service to God.
I am sorry to hear you have lived a life of trauma and suffered so much, including being an alcoholic in recovery. Please tell us some of your journey, and what has helped you.
I am in recovery from alcohol. I became ill and alcohol made my symptoms worse. It was not easy for me as it was all I had, as I was living with domestic violence and trying to cope with my then teenage son.
I gained the strength to leave the relationship and had to deal with courts and police refuges, and decided I was never putting myself through it again.
I sought attention in the wrong place with the wrong people. But now I have been alcohol-free for three years and I’m happy and in control of my life as a single person. I make my own choices, have my own money, and am fiercely independent.
You have told me you now have an inner confidence and a faith in God, and you only have positivity in your life. Tell us more, and how can we pray for you?
I am very positive about the future; and since inviting Christ into my life, things have got better. There are good outcomes even though, sometimes, I am tested. I know and see a reason behind God’s movement.
Please pray that I continue to see this and grow in God’s faith.
Thank you, Sarah for agreeing to be interviewed and sharing your life experience with us.