Previous prayer news

Previous prayer news items

Brazil: community and a new start

We give thanks with mission partners Marcio Ciechanovicz and Noemi Celeti for Jana, a single mum who recently connected with Marcio and Noemi and the DuPark project in Indaiatuba, São Paulo. Through the project, Marcio and Noemi take church to people in the local park and share the gospel in new ways. Jana was out […]

Czech Republic: facing the possibility of war

Mission partners Lea and Petra Williams ask for prayer as many people in Czech are weighed down by fear of war in Europe, especially young men who are at risk of being drafted. Lea and Petra work with students alongside leading the Anglican congregation in Brno and developing a vibrant Christian community. Pray for more […]

Madagascar: aftermath of cyclones

CMS-Africa asks for prayer for communities which have endured three consecutive cyclones. In some locations, church buildings and houses have been destroyed, rice fields have been flooded and crops have been damaged. Pray for the provision of food and clean water and for church leaders as they support people to find hope in Jesus.

South East Asia: new church member

Please pray for E, who recently joined the church pastored by mission partners I and S. Praise God for E’s boldness in sharing the gospel and pray for God to direct her steps as she looks to the future.

South Sudan: security situation in Juba

Mission partner Nicci Maxwell, providing paediatric and neonatal medical care in Juba (currently out of the country on planned leave), shares that tensions between the government and the opposition are growing and that people throughout the country are already struggling after many years of armed conflict as well as the current economic crisis. Please pray […]

Spain: upcoming exams

Mission partners in Spain ask for prayer for their daughter as she prepares for her IGCSE exams coming up at the end of April. Pray for peace for her and that she will be able to concentrate and do her best. Pray for the rest of the family as they support her and for the parents […]

Argentina: flooding in the Chaco

Heavy rains in northern Argentina have caused the Pilcomayo and Bermejo rivers to burst their banks, flooding some communities and cutting off others. More than 19 communities and 2000 people are affected: several hundred people have been evacuated but others are still waiting for help to arrive. The Anglican Church of Northern Argentina is mobilising […]

Bolivia: shortages of fuel and foreign currency

Pray for Bolivia, where a lack of foreign currency has led to an inability to pay for imported fuel and in turn caused a fuel shortage. Queues at petrol stations can take up to a day (mission partners Andrew and Lisa Peart report having to queue overnight in order to be able to buy fuel) […]

DR Congo: ongoing conflict

“We still need your prayers,” writes partner Bisoke Balikenga, who runs a peace centre in Bunia. Bisoke shares that tribalism and division is creeping into churches and that the ongoing conflict and suffering is causing many people to lose their faith. Pray for people to put their hope in God and not to give up.

Middle East and North Africa: new faith and stronger faith

Mission partner H asks for prayer for Muslims and Muslim-background believers in Jesus in the Middle East and North Africa. Pray for Muslims to seek God’s truth during Ramadan and be touched by God’s presence. Pray for Muslim-background believers to be strengthened and find the courage to stand firm in their faith and share it […]

Philippines: crisis response teams

Pray for the team at Jigsaw Kids’ Ministries and mission partner Tim Lee as they work together over the next few weeks to develop the charity’s crisis response processes. As part of their work of bringing life in all its fullness to children and families in Manila, the Jigsaw team are preparing to start a […]

Sudan: sharing the hope of Jesus in conflict

CMS-Africa and Hassan James, Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Kadugli and the Nuba Mountains, ask for prayer for the security situation in Sudan, especially in the conflict zones of the Nuba Mountains. Pray for the church’s witness to remain strong and for Christians to keep sharing the real hope that Jesus offers amid these […]