Sarah and Simon Cawdell, Uganda

Coming alongside local Christians, helping them to grow in their faith, teaching theology to local leaders and building sustainability.

Uganda: college registration

Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell write that Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College (still) has yet to be officially registered. Please pray for obstacles to be removed so that the paperwork can be finalised.

Uganda: new focus

Please pray for mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell, particularly for Simon as he finds a new focus following the end of the Rooted in Jesus conference. Pray for good working relationships and good follow-up for the Rooted in Jesus groups. Pray that Simon is able to focus productively on the household, development and community […]

Uganda: Rooted in Jesus

Give thanks for the recent successful Rooted in Jesus conference that was held in the Diocese of Northern Uganda. Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell, who work with the diocese in Gulu, report that 240 people attended. Rooted in Jesus is a group course in Christian discipleship written for use in Africa. It is the only […]

Uganda: theological college registration

Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell ask for prayer for Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College to be successfully registered with the National Council for Higher Education as soon as possible. This term students are based back at home, returning to the college in January. Sarah says: “Give thanks for the new purpose-built chapel in college, […]

Uganda: church planting

Mission partner Simon Cawdell works in the Diocese of Northern Uganda and supports the diocese in discipleship. Thank God for the planting of 80 new churches in the diocese over the last three years and for the appetite in the diocese for discipleship training. Please pray for Simon as he trains lay readers in leading […]

Reflections from indigenous leaders in Latin America  

The health and harmony of the community is a priority for South American indigenous leaders – with the pursuit of peace a constant objective

Editorial: Emancipation of Indigenous theologies

Jay Mātenga introduces an issue that foregrounds the people and relationship centred approach of Indigenous theologies.