Join hands with us:
Equipping and encouraging where faith in Jesus makes people outsiders
With Jesus
With each other
To the edges
There are places in our world where it’s particularly tough – even perilous – to follow Jesus. Our call is to follow Jesus to the edges where faith in him makes people outsiders.
At these edges, where faith is often fragile, we help provide the solidarity, the support and the community struggling Christians need.
We have seen first-hand that walking alongside people under immense pressure often makes a massive difference between whether someone chooses to abandon their faith or continue in their walk with Jesus.
Across Asia, the Middle East and Africa, we help followers of Jesus flourish in their faith and share it with others.
Together, we are seeing Christian communities expand and impact the wider culture in extraordinary ways.
Join hands with us to equip and encourage where faith in Jesus makes people outsiders
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NB Because of the sensitive situations for Jesus-followers in many locations, we can’t show everyone’s face or name.
Explore other ways you can join us at the edges
Bring hope to those who have given up on God and the church
Empower people on the edges to reach their God-given potential

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