ACTS 11 Project
Centre for Global Witness and Human Migration
We are living in a time of a unique opportunity. Human migration is on a sharp rise around the world. We are in the age of migration.

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The connection between mission and migration is not new. Indeed, Christian migrants have been the most common and effective bearers of the witness. The current context of global migrations of Christians continues that long journey.
As followers of Christ migrate, they ought to bear witness for Christ. In addition, it is also true that migrants of other faiths tend to be open to hearing the good news of Christ. Either way, migration is good for mission.
Centre for Global Witness and Human Migration
This first-of-a-kind centre exists to facilitate a sustained conversation on the critical subject of human migration and its implications for the Christian faith and mission. More about the centre >
More about the Centre for Global Witness and Human Migration
The centre will serve Christian communities, mission agencies, and academic institutions exploring faithful missional witness in the context of unprecedented human migration in the world.
It is an international, multicultural and multidisciplinary learning community, and our primary focus is the interplay between the Christian witness of the gospel and migration.
The centre has five key objectives
- To help Christian communities imagine hospitable ministry to strangers in a world where migration is on the rise.
- To equip and empower Christian migrants for effective witness wherever they migrate.
- To help create and curate resources for Christian communities, mission agencies, and academic institutions interested in reaching migrants around the world.
- To research opportunities and challenges that emerge for followers of Christ in the current context of global migration.
- To help create “Acts 11 Communities” of Christian leaders in gateway cities and migration hubs committed to the release of God’s migrant people in mission.
The Acts 11 Project is a collaboration between Church Mission Society and Missio Africanus.
We are looking for more partners!