Summer Appeal 2024

For millions who fled the brutal conflict in South Sudan, the horror they’ve witnessed has left them with overwhelming trauma.

Every refugee has a tragic story. Like Lilias, pictured above, whose pain is especially acute, having seen her niece shot as she fled to Uganda.

With such heavy burdens on their hearts, only Jesus can restore their peace.

Church leaders come together in trauma healing workshops then share what they have experienced

Lilias attended trauma healing sessions led by CMS local partner, Sam Malish. The kind contributions of faithful CMS supporters helped to make this possible.

Gradually, Lilias has come to terms with her experiences, and is now a strong advocate for peace.

While refugees like Lilias are out of immediate danger, many are still extremely traumatised.

By giving today you can help more people find hope and the peace that passes all understanding.

Jesus will never give up on bringing healing, and neither will we.

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:7

Our stories

Your church can bring peace

Let’s not give up on bringing peace to those scarred by war. Will you ask your church to pray with us, reflect on forgiveness and give in support of this crucial work, too?

Camilla was privileged to be able to visit Sam and the team in Uganda and has crafted a powerful reflective activity that can be used in services, children’s and mid-week small groups. There are prayer slides for your intercessions, a film and more resources to equip you as you consider responding. We’d love you to join us, please get in touch if you need anything to help engage your church.

Pray for peace

A written prayer to support your intercessions

Forgiveness reflection

An opportunity to reflect in services and other groups


Find out more about Sam’s work and hear Hellen’s moving testimony

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Get in touch

If you have any questions, or would like further resources, please do get in touch with our friendly Supporter Care team.

Or call 01865 787407

Today, you can help restore peace

  • £32 could enable a refugee to attend a trauma healing workshop
  • £62 could pay for a set of three digital audio players to spread the word of God
  • £135 could train a trauma counsellor

Share the peace that surpasses all understanding – send a gift today.

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