Pioneering Parishes: Culture Change in Practice

Pioneering Parishes: Culture Change in Practice

Mondays at 12pm: 16 and 30 September, 14 and 28 October

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A series of four webinars for church leaders grappling with the challenge of developing a pioneering culture and a mixed ecology of church.

Discussion is facilitated to enable experiences and wisdom to be shared while receiving encouragement through ideas and case studies. Participants receive tools to enable lasting culture change.

When is it?

The course begins on Monday 16 September and is for a total of four sessions:

Dates: 16 and 30 September, 14 and 28 October

Times: Each session begins at 12pm and continues until 1.30pm

At the first session only, you will be asked to join the webinar at 11.45am

Who’s it for?

It is suitable for anyone looking to join in with the Holy Spirit’s re-imagining of a new way of being church together:

PCC members, area and lay deans, parish priests, diocesan advisers, pioneers – lay and ordained. If you have previously completed the First Steps course this course is the perfect follow up. However, you don’t have to complete the First Steps course to take part. If you’re not sure if the course is suitable for you, email us.

What can I expect?

Each webinar is 90 minutes and contains teaching, guest speakers and break out rooms. You will receive a fresh set of lenses for viewing parish life and hear case studies from practitioners in an informal, warm, fun and open environment.

What content will be covered?

The course offers additional concepts and tools for leading congregations through processes of change. The course opens up conversations about postures and practices that support the development of a culture of cross-cultural mission and innovation. Guests will join us to share insights from their experience and practice.

How much does it cost?

We would hate cost to be a barrier to anyone attending so we charge just £10 for the four webinars in total. If you bring a team, the maximum your church will pay is for five spaces (£50), any additional participants are free.

The real cost for the facilitation and materials is much higher, so if you feel able to contribute a little more you will be helping to support the continuing work of Pioneering Parishes.

Previous participants’ comments:

Feedback from our previous courses shows that more than 80 percent of attendees said they were likely or highly likely to recommend it to someone else.

Book your place now!

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