Indigenous leaders equipped for ministry
First graduation from new training centre
Photo: Nine indigenous leaders on graduation day, pictured with indigenous bishops and local partners Crisanto Rojas and Mateo Alto, Vicar General Daniel Lescano and CeFA director Narciso Sánchez
Nine indigenous leaders recently graduated from CeFA (Centro de Formación Anglicano, or the Anglican Formation Centre) in Ingeniero Juárez, Argentina.
Over the past year, these nine students have grown in knowledge, ability and confidence.
One student, Jorge, says, “Through this training we realise that we have strong foundations, our faith has a firm base and a structure.”
CeFA was established last year to train indigenous leaders from across the Diocese of Northern Argentina for ministry and mission in their communities.
This first cohort of nine students completed the course without missing any classes all year, despite some having to travel more than seven hours every fortnight to reach the centre.
All the students have studied in their second language, Spanish.
This centre helps to meet the need for training identified through a CMS-facilitated Indigenous Mission Congress, and CMS has funded training places.
The leaders trained here will play a vital role as indigenous people take the lead in mission across northern Argentina.
Vicar General Daniel Lescano commented, “We really feel very blessed by everything that happened this year.”