Argentina: learning Spanish and getting stuck in
Short-termer Immy recently arrived in Argentina and has just begun work serving the church there. Pray for Immy as she begins Spanish lessons and gets involved in different projects through the church.
Latest prayer news
Brazil: furlough and community market
Please pray for mission partners Rosie and Stu Bayford as they return to the UK this coming week and begin a four-month furlough visiting churches and spending time with friends and family. Pray especially for their daughter, Ottelie (who will turn two shortly after their arrival), for her health and well-being as she adapts to […]
Read moreDR Congo: peace in Goma
Please keep praying for peace and stability in Goma and for all CMS partners serving in Goma. There are reports of growing insecurity on the streets and 4.6 million people in the region have now been displaced. Pray for God to position his people strategically to help those in need and pray for peace to […]
Read moreMadagascar: training and recovery from cyclone
CMS-Africa country coordinator for Madagascar, Ialy Tongasoa, is conducting various training programmes in Ampasimanjeva over the next few weeks: 3D (Discover, Develop, Deploy; training to help young people identify, develop and start using their skills), F4 (Financial Freedom for Families; a biblical stewardship and budgeting course) and women’s empowerment training. Pray for people in Ampasimanjeva […]
Read moreMiddle East: medical care in challenging contexts
Pray for people in challenging contexts across the region who desperately need access to healthcare. Mission partners Fiona and Joel Kelling, currently working remotely from Oxfordshire with churches in the Middle East, write that Joel is helping to coordinate a project with the Diocese of Jerusalem to make medical care more accessible in contexts such […]
Read morePhilippines: developing crisis response teams
Mission partner Tim Lee has just arrived in the Philippines to work with Jigsaw Kids Ministries to develop local crisis response teams over the next few weeks. As part of their work of bringing life in all its fullness to children and families in Manila, the Jigsaw team have a vision to start a response […]
Read moreUganda: rain and healing
We praise God with Judith Murungi, CMS-Africa’s country coordinator for Uganda, for the start of rainy season, which offers hope to agricultural communities across the country. Pray for lots of rain so that farmers can enjoy a good harvest in a few months’ time. CMS-Africa also ask for prayer for a partner called Seme Peter, […]
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