Ukraine update 2 March

Ukraine update 2 March

We have just heard from a fellow pastor of the church our people in mission are part of: “The team are fine. They have no electricity, gas or mobile communication. Around there are battles but God protects them. Continue to pray hard for them.”

Latest prayer news

  • Nepal: palliative care

    Pray for one of our mission associates as he heads back to Nepal at the beginning of February for a few weeks. As International Nepal Fellowship’s palliative care project wraps up at the end of March, pray for a good closing conference and useful evaluation. Pray, too, for those scoping out future opportunities within the…

  • Chile: new Anglican bishop

    Pray for the consecration of the new Anglican Bishop of Santiago, Juan Esteban Saravia, this Sunday. At the same ceremony the Church will give thanks for the service of Archbishop Héctor Zavala Muñoz as both Bishop of Santiago and Primate of the Province of Chile and install Bishop Enrique Lago Zugadi as the new Primate.…

  • DR Congo: capture of Masisi town

    Last weekend, Rwandan-backed M23 rebels took the town of Masisi west of Goma and installed their own governor. Since then more than 100,000 people have fled. The Congolese government recaptured the town on Wednesday, but those who fled are unlikely to return for a long time and those who stay are at increasing risk of…

  • Ethiopia: health concerns

    Chris and Suzy Wilson, mission partners working in reconciliation and peacebuilding with Christian leaders in Addis Ababa, ask for prayer for Simon. Simon is one of Chris and Suzy’s former students from their previous work in the Gambella area and now works alongside Chris training church leaders in refugee camps. Recently, a few serious health…

  • Peru: Indigenous Mission Synod

    An indigenous mission synod will be held in Lima, Peru from 16–20 January. Indigenous leaders from across Latin America will be meeting to pray, discern, discuss and plan activities for this new year in God’s mission, focusing on leadership formation. As they review the last year, give thanks for all those who have been equipped…

  • South Africa: theological training

    We give thanks with mission partners Caroline and Dick Seed for training they recently delivered at the Anglican seminary in Chile to equip lecturers of theology in the country to make the most of their theology training in their teaching. Caroline and Dick are now back in South Africa and will each be providing training…