Ukraine update 26 February

Ukraine update 26 February

Latest from our local partners in Ukraine:

We are well, but are getting ready just in case they will try to attack us. We have 40 ppl with us here from the church that we were able to evacuate yesterday.

There is a big chance they will come to the village where we are today. They are trying to come into kiev, but all of the bridges were destroyed by our army, so they will try to come through the villages. And ours is on the way.

Also, we were cooking food and feeding our soldiers today. Our boys were able to come to them, praying for them and were able to witness to them.

We almost don’t sleep. Couple hours a day. We are praying all night, changing turns and in contact with our church members who stayed.

Latest prayer news

  • DR Congo: protection from rebel groups

    Local partner Bisoke Balikenga, who runs a peace centre in Bunia, reports that the rebel groups around Goma are approaching Bunia. Please pray for safety for the people of Bunia and for the rebel groups to encounter the presence of God and turn their hearts towards peace. Pray for God’s protection over upcoming CMS-Africa women’s and youth…

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  • Middle East: stamina for Bible translation

    Mission partners J and R write that those working on the Briyani Old Testament Bible translation are hoping to finish the book of Deuteronomy by 19 August. We give thanks with J and R for the progress that has been made and pray that Deuteronomy will appear on the mobile phone app very soon. Pray,…

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  • Ukraine: ongoing war

    Please pray for the people of Ukraine and Russia, where drones have become central to the war and can kill hundreds every day. Please lift up in prayer those who are waging war and ask God to turn their hearts to peace. Pray for strength and encouragement for our people in mission there: Valery, Anya…

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  • Venezuela: elections

    Please pray for elections in Venezuela this Sunday, 28 July. May there be free and fair elections where the will of the people is heard and implemented. Two candidates are running – incumbent president, Nicolás Maduro and united opposition candidate Edmundo González (two other opposition candidates have already been barred from participating). Please pray for the right…

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  • Ethiopia: training church leaders

    Earlier this year, mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson were struggling with complications regarding permission for Chris to enter a refugee camp to deliver training to church leaders. Chris and Suzy now write that SIM Ethiopia’s leadership team has helped to address these complications and Chris has been able resume teaching in the camps and…

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  • Middle East: risk of war between Israel and Hezbollah

    The United Nations has stated that a “catastrophe beyond imagination” could be on the horizon. Israel and the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah (backed by Iran) have been exchanging fire across their border for the past nine months and this could develop into a war on a much bigger scale than the destruction in Gaza and…

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