Ukraine update 4 March

Ukraine update 4 March

In the last 24 hours we have heard from Pastor Valery that the team are all well. They managed to buy some food as a local shop was briefly open. They are still surrounded by fighting and essential services such as water and electricity are unreliable. Some good news is that some money from supporters in the UK was successfully received by Valery. We are told that only one mobile network is functioning. Please keep praying.

Latest prayer news

  • UK: pioneer recruitment

    We continue to pray for people considering studying with CMS on our Pioneer Mission Training course and for churches considering whether to participate in Pioneering Parishes. Please pray that God will give more and more people a heart for mission among those on the edges of church, society and our comfort zones.

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  • Ukraine: frontline chaplains

    Continue to pray for local partner Valery and other people who are serving as chaplains in hospitals and at the frontline. Pray especially that chaplains have personal and spiritual strength to keep going in this vital but tiring role. Pray for favour with frontline military commanders who decide whether to permit chaplains to visit troops.…

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  • Sri Lanka: possible change of plans

    The South Asia Christian Youth Network (SACYN), which CMS helped start, was due to hold a conference in Sri Lanka this autumn, but due to elections in Sri Lanka, the event might need to be moved. SACYN draws together Christian young people from multiple countries and is a huge boost to the faith of participants…

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  • India: elections

    As elections continue in India for the next few weeks, we continue to pray that they will be peaceful and we pray for people in mission in India at this time.

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  • Burundi: flood recovery

    We continue to pray for the people of Burundi trying to recover from devastating flooding, with thousands of people affected. Please pray for a robust government and international aid response. On the world stage, Burundi is often seemingly forgotten “but the church here is crying out to God not to forget the people in this…

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  • Africa: CMS-Africa communications

    Our network partners CMS-Africa are searching for a new communications officer. Please pray for God to provide a skilled person for this important role.

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