Ukraine update 4 March

Ukraine update 4 March

In the last 24 hours we have heard from Pastor Valery that the team are all well. They managed to buy some food as a local shop was briefly open. They are still surrounded by fighting and essential services such as water and electricity are unreliable. Some good news is that some money from supporters in the UK was successfully received by Valery. We are told that only one mobile network is functioning. Please keep praying.

Latest prayer news

  • Adelante: conference today

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  • Brazil: starting short term service

    Please pray for Ellie, who will be travelling to Brazil next week to serve for the next six months at ReVive, a safe house for girls who have been abused or exploited. Please pray for safe travels, for Ellie to settle in well and for peace as she steps out in mission.

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  • DR Congo: encouragement in the forest

    Mission partner Martin Gordon recently shared how encouraged he was by a visit to the archdeaconry of Walikale in the Diocese of Goma. Give thanks with him that people in the diocese are open to Jesus, and that hundreds have recently been baptised. Please pray for courage, strength and vision for newly commissioned church leaders…

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  • Festivals: give thanks

    Thank you for praying for CMS teams at Greenbelt and David’s Tent festivals over the bank holiday weekend. Give thanks with them for good conversations, and pray that God will continue to work through those connections.

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  • Sudan: peace and stability

    Pray for peace and stability in Sudan, as it marks 500 days of war. Our local partner Bishop Hassan James writes “the humanitarian situation is very difficult and the hunger is severe” and seeks our prayer. Bishop Hassan asks for prayers particularly for the needs of food in Sudan and for medical services, and missional…

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  • South Asia: youth network conference

    South Asia Youth Christian Network (SACYN) is holding a conference in Colombo, Sri Lanka for Christian young people from several different countries, starting today. Please pray for safe travels for all of the participants and for the conference to encourage, excite and challenge their faith.

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