Ukraine update 9 March
Having travelled to a place of relative safely, our people in mission sent us this update:
We are in a safe place, where we can pray and support those who are still in great danger. Some people just stay here a night or two, while others stay and help. Each day we take it in turns to pray either all night or for a couple of hours during the night and day. We are also taking shifts serve in the kitchen and cleaning. Some are involved in coordinating travel and collecting those who now need to leave. The rest of the time we gather for worship and share what God is revealing to us. We are very grateful for this warm home.
We were still able to mark International Women’s Day – our brothers surprised the women in the group last night with growing tulips as a sign of life and hope, tangerines and a little chocolate. This was especially valued in the midst of so much suffering.
Pray for our people in mission as they seek to bless others. Pray for their ongoing safety and for all those whose lives have been turned upside down through this war.
Latest prayer news
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Spain/North Africa: considering a move
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Thailand: Sunday school staff
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Uganda: college registration
Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell ask for prayer for the registration of Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College, of which Sarah is principal. Pray for a breakthrough in this situation, which has been at a standstill for close to two years. Simon is also working with diocesan staff to produce a budget for the first…