Signalling support for two years
Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a faithful group has been supporting our partners in prayer
Photo: Pastor Valery Alymov and mission partner Alison Giblett (far left) pray with other church members in Ukraine
Since Russia’s violent invasion of Ukraine two years ago, faithful supporters have been meeting weekly on Saturday evenings to pray.
The group prays for people caught up in the chaos of unwanted war – including CMS people in mission Alison, Anya and Valery.
Alongside this is an ever-growing Intercessors for Ukraine group on Signal, sharing news, concerns and requests for prayer.
“For me the prayer group has been a main form of support,” says CMS mission partner Alison Giblett in Kyiv.
“Each week I have been able to reflect on and share with others the key events and answers to prayer from the last week.
“The fact that there are a group of people who care and understand at quite a detailed level has really helped me….
“I am very grateful for the time commitment and love that each of the active members have sacrificed especially to Nick Townsend and John Clark who have taken the extra hours to write up the notes each week. This makes what we share fuel for a much wider group of prayers and provides a fairly detailed history of the last two years from our point of view.”
“It is encouraging to see so many people caring so much so consistently, even after such a prolonged crisis,” said Naomi Steinberg, member of the Signal group and CMS head of communications.
“We give thanks for those who have faithfully prayed for Ukraine for two years and who will keep doing so as long as is needed.”