Aspiring to be our best
Dynamics between pioneers and advocates are often challenging and disruptive, how can we better work together?
Image by Sophie KIllingley of Perish+Fade
At Pioneering Parishes, we are persuaded that pioneers and parishes need each other.
by Rev Greg Bakker
Pioneers need advocates within the established congregations who can nurture space for new forms of ministry which are recognised as equal and distinctive. Parishes need pioneers who see the gap between our congregations and wider communities and can’t help themselves in wanting to close the gap in creative ways that permit the church as a whole to engage a wider range of unconnected people.
For the connection between pioneer and advocates to develop and thrive, there is ongoing work to be done. The Pioneering Parishes “top tips” for cultivating such a partnership begins with inner work. Key to the relationship between advocates and pioneers is the aspiration to be our best. This aspiration is not rooted in perfectionism or the need to be great. This inner work of aspiration simply asks, “What kind of person do I want to be for God and for those with whom I seek to collaborate?”
As an advocate of pioneering, I learned through my collaboration with pioneers that more is required of me than to be a better leader. What is needed in this relationship is the aspiration to be a better human being. With this aspiration comes the willingness to practice the virtues of generosity, vulnerability, patience, and courtesy.
Here is the truth: the dynamics between pioneers and advocates are often challenging and disruptive. Yet, when this relationship is rooted in the aspiration to be our best selves in Jesus, thriving unfolds in unexpected ways which transforms church culture and energises new forms of engagement with unconnected people.
If you would like support in working with either a priest or pioneer, Pioneering Parishes Values day is for you. It will help you and your church discern who you aspire to be for God and your community: this online training day will give you the tools to ask the right questions, identify values and adopt them. Find out more.