Book review: Evangelical Christian Responses to Islam

Richard McCallum has created an invaluable resource for anyone with a serious interest in Christian-Muslim relations, says Tom Wilson

Book review: Apocalyptic Theopolitics

Elizabeth Phillips's book is a rich and timely read that provides invaluable and constructive insights, says Wing Yin Li

Book review: Uncertain

James Butler finds Olivia Jackson's raw account of deconstruction offers an important witness that should be listened to.

Book review: People’s Christianity

Tom Wilson explores an engaging read which digs deep into lived Christianity from a Catholic perspective.

Book review: No Wastelands

Jonny Baker recommends Ash Barker's rich and deep handbook for "growing seedbeds of urban shalom".

Book review: Constructing Mission History

Steve Taylor enjoys a fresh and less stereotyped account of mission history from Stanley Skreslet.

Book review: A Primer in Christian Ethics

Luke Bretherton paints a bold and persuasive vision for ethics and human flourishing, says James Butler.

Book review: A Just Mission

Cathy Ross heartily recommends an uneasy read from Mekdes Haddis that unmasks so much of our hubris around mission.

Autoethnography presentation

Maddie Thorp offers a powerful piece exploring belonging, authority and expectations around gender.

Agnes Okoh: a lens on Africa and Christianity

Jessica Swift explores the “Africanisation” of Christianity and the “Christianisation” of Africa through the life and ministry of Agnes Okoh

Spirit-oriented, enthusiastic and charismatic

Gowi Odera describes the "triple heritage" that African Christianity offers to the world.

We become what we behold

David Harrigan on finding an embodied spirituality in the midst of pioneering and family life