Shame, reconciliation and the pioneer
Pioneers have a unique calling to encourage transformative reconciliation in the midst of shame. Catherine Matlock explores seven practices that can enable transformation.
Legacies and chains
Carlton Turner uses his experience of being of Black Bahamian descent to talk about the power of “Self-Negation” when considering shame in the discourse about race.
Reflections from the pottery
Trevor Withers runs a pottery to help people overcome shame by becoming vulnerable and getting creative.
Perspectives on shame in mission and ministry with young people
Sally Nash draws on years of experience in youth work, as well as her comprehensive understanding of shame, to suggest how we might engage with young people on this topic.
Editorial: Mission and Shame
A hidden barrier to healing and redemption is coming into view, says Andrea Campanale as she introduces this issue of ANVIL on shame.
Book review: The Church and Its Vocation
A brilliant survey of Lesslie Newbigin's work that lacks a little of the great man's imagination, finds James Butler.
Book review: The Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor
Cathy Ross enjoys a great book for those who want to be reminded of our discipleship to Jesus, to the poor and to the earth.
Book review: Reimagining Mission from Urban Places
A UK book on mission, and exactly the sort of thinking that the church needs right now, says Jonny Baker.
Book review: Making New Disciples
An ideal book for students and local Christian leaders with both a desire to engage in evangelism and an open mind, says John Darch
Video: Agony births reality
Autoethnographic video by CMS Pioneer MA student, Katy Partridge, exploring chaos as the start of new creation.