Book review: Slavery-Free Communities

Read this book, says Dr Cathy Ross: you will never be unaware again.

Book review: Exploring Indigenous Spirituality

Tom Wilson reviews a fascinating first foray into the largely undocumented world of the Kutchi Kohli Christians of Pakistan.

Book review: The Unique and Universal Christ

Drew Collins's book moves forward the debate concerning Christian engagement with other religions.

Book review: Losing Ground: Reading Ruth in the Pacific

This book will introduce you to other worlds...

Book review: Constructing Paul

Volumes any serious student of the New Testament would do well to read

Mission, disability and creativity

Emma Major reflects on the interplay between mission, disability and creativity, from within her lived experience as an artist and church leader.

Mission and disabled people

Tim Rourke shares research on how attitudes, access and agency are often missing when the church talks about mission and the disabled community.

Mission, and dispelling the disability/ tragedy narrative

Kay Morgan-Gurr explores the impact of the “tragedy narrative” on disabled people and on the church’s mission.

The golden light of God’s kintsugi: mission and mental health

Bill Braviner reflects on the Japanese art of kintsugi and the intentional value of “cracks” in our mental health.

Mission with children and young people with additional needs and their families

Mark Arnold considers what collaborative mission with children and young people with additional needs and their families looks like in 2022.

Theology at the borders of psychosis

Rachel Noël is an Anglican priest writing about “sanity” and mission from a place of “instability”, from her own experience of psychosis.

A man with a mission

Naomi Lawson Jacobs reflects on mission done to, rather than with or by, disabled people via a resistant reading of Jesus’ encounter with a man with leprosy.