Open day: Pioneer Mission Training – CMS Oxford

Join us in person for a taste of Pioneer Mission Training at CMS. Meet staff and fellow students to discover if this is the learning community for you. We offer a full range of accredited qualifications from undergraduate certificates all the way to PhD.

Open day: Pioneer Mission Training – CMS Oxford

Meet staff and fellow students to discover if this is the learning community for you.

Pioneering Parishes: First Steps

A series of four fortnightly webinars to help parishes start to move their energy outwards, become more pioneering and network with others

Pioneer Advocates book club

The book club for those who support pioneers, lead parishes and/or want to see culture change in their worshipping community.

Pioneering Parishes: Community of learning

A space to learn, grow, share insight and be encouraged in fostering culture change

Pioneering Parishes: First steps

A series of four fortnightly webinars to help parishes start to move their energy outwards, become more pioneering and network with others