The Role of the Priest

There is a skill set around holding together the time-honoured and new expressions of church.

Nurture every sign of God’s presence

Mission associate Michelle Hays reflects on getting to know refugees in North Carolina, USA

Praying power and staying power

A humble prayer group has been supporting people in mission week in, week out, through more than two years of war

Interruptions and God’s Kingdom

Mission partner Suzy Wilson has been learning that God’s Kingdom requires space for spontaneity.

Women: refusing to give up on peace

Joan Busolo, CMS Africa manager, talks to Naomi Rose Steinberg about peacemaking women

The sharing of Christ’s sufferings

A CMS Presence reflection for Lent 2024 by Ian Adams

Bloomin’ mission!

Old mission partners never really retire, says David Sharland, who served for decades in east Africa... and now by the Irish Sea.

To hell – and back

CMS Diploma graduate Julie’s work with registered sex offenders leaving prison sometimes means following Jesus to the very edge of hell and back.

The end of a season and the start of another

In mission, as in all life, sometimes things don’t work out quite like we expect.

Unravelling a continuous creative thread

What started as churchyard clearance has grown into a multifaceted community project

Beauty / brokenness

The contrasts on show while walking in the local park help Anna and Chris Hembury reflect on how God sees us.

Open hands

A CMS Presence resource to assist in nurturing prayerful presence