Learning to lay things down

Phil and Sylvie Good reflect on how Middle East mission meant laying aside not just home comforts but even the skills they had to offer

The open table

Johnny Sertin surveys a landscape of hope and healing across post-Christian Britain

Hope deferred, not lost

At the end of the world, CMS people in mission in Latin America reconnected with history and found renewed purpose

“I’m not done until I’m done”

Anti-FGM campaigner Ann-Marie Wilson shares her hard-won wisdom on how to keep going in mission

Holiness in the humdrum

Suzy Wilson, CMS mission partner in Ethiopia, reflects on her current season of mission and mothering

The Woman at the Gate

Tom and Verity Clare reflect on healthcare and discipleship for people at the edges in north-west Uganda

Video: Change of a dress

Meet Maria Skoyles, CEO of the Dorcas Dress Project, and a CMS Pioneer MA student.

Good COP? Bad COP?

A delegation from the worldwide Anglican Communion was seeking climate justice at COP27. Mission partner Joel Kelling was there.

Leading with God’s love

Meet local partner Dhana Lama, the first Nepali leader of United Mission to Nepal

Walking with refugees in Lebanon

CEO Alastair Bateman's recent travels shone a light on perhaps the most important part of mission work - relationships

Indigenous Mission Congress day by day

Daily posts from the gathering of indigenous peoples reflecting on mission in South America

How long?

Serving with her family in Ethiopia, Suzy Wilson finds a full stomach and a feeling of security leave her yearning...