Springs of water

The crisis in Lebanon is energy-sapping in every way. Phil Good asks where is the living water for the poor and refugees?

Living hospitably in the Czech Republic

New mission partners Lea and Petra Williams on how getting to grips with a new ministry has been shaped by the war in Ukraine

Under pressure in Argentina

In a fast-changing world, one Wichí family talks about the pressure young people face, and the secret of staying on the right path.

Flying kites with invisible string

Annabel is an eight-year-old whose sibling sadly will die. Mission partner Ruth Radley is privileged to be there for Annabel.

Ukraine: why I chose to stay

Mission partner Alison Giblett shares why she chose to stay among her community in Ukraine even as violence swept in

No short cuts to beauty

“The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places,” says Suzy Wilson, amazed by falling in love with a place and people of great hardship and great beauty.

How to… keep mission on the agenda

CMS advocates are working hard to keep local and global mission high on the agenda within their churches.

Walking together in mission

"Church Mission Society has the experience and capacity to help sustain us on the field for a lifetime of ministry."

Thirty-eight years of proclaiming the good news in Africa

Inspired by Christians in Kenya, Steve Burgess spent a working life answering the biblical call to "proclaim good news to the poor".

The Last English Bishop?

Bishop Nick Drayson reflects on his learning and hopes that one era may be coming to an end.

From burned out to fired up for mission

Rev Phil Marsh shares his experiences of transformation through the Partnership for Missional Church journey.

Like putting on new glasses

Wendy Cranefield explains how the Partnership for Missional Church (PMC) journey has changed the way she sees the world…