Africa: CMS-Africa communications

Our network partners CMS-Africa are searching for a new communications officer. Please pray for God to provide a skilled person for this important role.

DR Congo

Martin Gordon, bishop of Goma and a CMS mission partner, asks for prayer for: a renewed commitment among political authorities to finding a peaceful and lasting solution to the conflict in eastern Congo, for aid to reach the seven million internally displaced people in the east of DRC and for pastors in the IDP camps […]

Ecuador: encouragement

From Beverley Cannon de Pinos, who works with her husband Johnny in a multicultural church in Cuenca: “Last Sunday one of the university students we had met with came to our church service and informed us that he had accepted Christ in his life. He was so excited…. Last week one of our young people […]

Brazil: 10 years of ReVive mission

Congratulations to the ReVive International, which is commemorating a decade of making a difference in the lives of abused and exploited girls in Olinda, Brazil. Beginning with one girl who was sleeping rough on the streets, today more than 100 children have been given a chance at a brighter future, thanks to God and the […]

CMS Magazine Spring 2024

All the stories from the Spring 2024 edition in one place

Praying power and staying power

A humble prayer group has been supporting people in mission week in, week out, through more than two years of war

Brazil: marking a decade of making a difference for at-risk girls

A pioneering project that’s restoring hope to abused and exploited girls is commemorating two major milestones

Working together to bring hope

CMS partner launches new group to support women choosing to leave sex work in Thailand

From landfill to new life in Brazil

A member of a community market in north east Brazil has turned his life around.

Steps forward in rehab

More men are leaving addiction behind in Israel

Taiwan: after the earthquake

Give thanks for the World Anglican Chinese Clergy Fellowship that took place the week after the earthquake in Taiwan. It was a great time together with participants from all over the world. Continue to pray for Taiwan in the aftermath of the earthquake and especially the Hualien area (the epicentre of the earthquake was 18km southwest of […]

South Asia: connecting with house churches

A local partner in South Asia has started a number of house fellowships but is now finding it hard to connect with them due to persecution. Please pray protection over him and his family and for God to open secure lines of communication.