Signalling support for two years

Since Russia’s violent invasion of Ukraine two years ago, faithful supporters have been meeting weekly on Saturday evenings to pray.

Ukraine: the pastor at the front lines

CMS local partner in demand as forces chaplain, while churches pray and fast for an end to war

DR Congo: a prayer for peace to prevail

Please continue to pray for peace to prevail in Goma and all DR Congo and for Anthea and Martin Gordon and their family and for those at CMS who are supporting them.

Brazil: sharing the gospel in prison

Tomorrow (Saturday 24 Feb), mission partner Andy Walsh will deliver the first in a series of sessions on the gospel to 20 men in a prison he hasn’t visited before. Andy asks for prayer for the course to be successful and for the Word to take root in the inmates’ lives.

Paraguay: guidance for ministry

Pray for mission associates Alison and Chris Hawksbee as they consider their involvement this year. Pray for God to guide them with regard to both how much they should be involved and in which areas of ministry.

South East Asia: more volunteers

Local partner Helen Avadiar-Nimbalker shares that she and her team, who provide healthcare and training for women and children who come to them for help, are running at full capacity with a waiting list. Helen asks for prayer for the team to receive the self-care they need so that they can continue to minister to […]

Ukraine: rest for the weary

Pray for local partner Valery and his wife Olga as they seek visas to leave the Ukraine to visit their son and family in the UK. Pray for God to pave the way for a restful time with family where Valery and Olga can have a proper break and spend time with each other and […]

The sharing of Christ’s sufferings

A CMS Presence reflection for Lent 2024 by Ian Adams

DR Congo: May peace prevail

Following reports of increased violence near Goma, DR Congo, we are praying for the safety and welfare of CMS people in mission in the area, including mission partner Martin Gordon, bishop of the Diocese of Goma. Please join us in praying that peace will prevail and pray for more and more peacemakers in the region.

Seeing Mr Bates vs The Post Office but not perceiving

James Butler asks if there is a bigger and deeper story behind the parable of the subpostmasters.

Ethiopia: danger of famine

The BBC reports that there is a serious danger of famine in parts of Ethiopia, particularly the northern Tigray region. This is the time of year when food should be most plentiful, but severe drought is causing hundreds to die of starvation. Pray for food to be multiplied and to somehow reach all those who […]

North Africa: health problems

Please pray for local partner H. For over two years, he has had trouble breathing and abdominal pain as well as a number of other symptoms. Please pray for God to guide those looking after H and lead them to get to the bottom of what is going on. Pray against these issues and anything […]