A world longing for peace

Join with us in prayer for seven areas of conflict in our troubled world

Cathy Ross on Loved, Called, Gifted podcast

Hear what Cathy has to say about women in mission and 'pious domesticity', including the hidden stories of women missionaries.

Ecuador: ongoing tensions

Please continue to pray for Ecuador following the upsurge in violence we shared about last week. The situation is still delicate with some violence continuing – the investigator of the takeover of the TV station was shot dead this week. However, prison guards who had been taken hostage have been released. Pray for peace to […]

Middle East: translation progress

Mission partners working in Bible translation in the Middle East give thanks for a growing Bible study group using one of the translations they are working on. Pray for this group, that God will really open their hearts to the gospel. Pray also for childcare needed for this group to go well. Our mission partners […]

Middle East: keep praying for peace

We continue to pray for peace, justice and mercy in Israel and Palestine, that violence will cease, that families will be reunited and that leaders will find a way forward that allows all people to live in dignity and without fear. Please pray also for the wider region as tensions rise, including in Yemen, between […]

Paraguay: rain

Mission partner Tim Curtis in the Chaco region says, “Many thanks for your prayers for rain.” Underground water storage tanks (repaired a few months ago) are now full and holding the precious water.

Taiwan: new president

Catherine Lee, mission partner in Taiwan, says, “Thanks to you all for your concern and prayers this past weekend – I’m thankful for safe and smooth elections and for the peaceful election of a new president, President Lai.” Please continue to pray for a period of transition ahead of the inauguration on 20 May.

UK: training and gathering

This weekend and early next week new people in mission have come together to undertake training – spending time exploring a range of important topics. Next week they will join with CMS people in mission currently in the UK for a conference. Pray for valuable sharing of experience, for people in mission to feel equipped […]

Ukraine: continuing need

Please continue to pray for Ukraine. Our people in mission specifically ask for prayer for a chaplaincy ministry visit to the front lines, for English teaching with soldiers in a local military hospital where the team hope to build relationships, for Genesis ministry groups helping people with destructive behaviours both online and in person, and […]

To hell – and back

CMS Diploma graduate Julie's work with registered sex offenders leaving prison sometimes means following Jesus to the very edge of hell and back.

Jesus eases people’s pain in Ukraine

Your support enables making friends, having fun and finding faith

New chapters in Central America

How Jesus changed the lives of two young men on the edges in Honduras