Helping hands in Israel

News and prayer update from Jennifer and Kevin Cable in Jerusalem, returning to Jaffa

UK and global: A grateful gathering

This week, the CMS team joined in our first staff gathering of the year, where we happily welcomed some new colleagues and focused together on “naming” the year ahead. If you had to choose a theme for 2024 what would you like it to be?

UK: term time!

Give thanks for all the CMS pioneer mission students who embarked on the first week of their term. Pray that all students will be equipped for creative mission among people at the edges of traditional church. Pray for the teaching team, that they will have energy and wisdom.

Ethiopia: equipping refugee leaders

Mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson are helping train church leaders in refugee camps. They write, “…we’re aiming to provide preaching and leadership training to about 60 different church leaders this year, as well as providing basic discipleship training for another group of about 10 to 20 women.” Please pray for the logistics, as it’s […]

Ecuador: violence surging

There has been an upsurge in violence as drug trafficking gangs battle with state authorities. The leader of one of the main gangs recently escaped from prison with a number of others. Several prison staff were taken hostage. This has been followed by a series of violent attacks in cities across the nation including the […]

Middle East: keep praying for peace

We continue to pray for peace, justice and mercy in Israel and Palestine, that violence will cease, that families will be reunited and that leaders will find a way forward that allows all people to live in dignity and without fear.

Asia: upholding our friends

Please pray for the staff team and co-mission partners serving with our sister organisation Asia-CMS. They do much vital work at the edges, from training local church leaders to youth ministry and mentoring as well as caring for people in poverty and sharing the gospel in difficult-to access countries. We are grateful to be in […]

Tiger, cow or horse? Enterprise at the edges

Enterprise can be a kingdom blessing for those on the edge, says CMS first year MA student Jerry Marshall

Ukraine: intensified Russian attacks

The past week has seen more attacks on Kyiv and Kharkiv, causing extensive property damage and leaving many without power as well as killing four people and injuring close to 100. Pray for all those recovering from and rebuilding after the attacks, for the attacks to stop and for God to turn Putin’s heart from […]

Brazil: new home

Local partner Flavio Adair and his family need to sell their apartment in order to buy a house in Pernambuco where they live. Pray for any obstacles to be removed so that the apartment can be sold quickly and pray for the right new home for Flavio and his family. Pray, too, for Flavio and […]

Paraguay: rain

Please pray for rain to come to the Chaco region of Paraguay, where it is so desperately needed. Local partner Gustavo Flores also asks for prayer for the government to establish health centres in the indigenous communities.

The Holy Land: peace and a way forward

Pray for mission partners Jennifer and Kevin Cable as they resume their ministry in Jaffa, including a growing congregation and the Little Lambs toddler group. Pray for God’s guidance about the way forward at such a difficult time. Pray for the people who have been displaced from their homes in Israel and Gaza. Pray that […]