UK: mobilising the next generation for mission

Pray for fresh creativity and energy for vocational recruitment. Bev Chilolo, CMS’s vocational recruitment lead, will be visiting Christian Unions this month, seeking to mobilise the next generation into global mission. Pray that these events will be fruitful and pray for churches to get excited about global mission and encourage those seeking a call to […]

Video: What does it mean to go to the edges?

The edges are where Jesus is bringing new life. And where we want to be. Together.

2023: Our favourite videos

The communications team shares some of their highlights from the past year

On their way – Graduation 2023

Our 2023 graduation service and celebration was themed on 'journey' and packed with creativity.

Argentina and Guatemala: transitions of leadership

Please pray for countries in Latin America in transitions of leadership at present. Argentina has been struggling with rampant inflation for years and new president, Javier Milei, has taken office promising shock treatment for the country’s economy and that things will get worse before they get better. In Guatemala, president-elect Bernardo Arévalo’s election win is […]

DR Congo: peace

Martin Gordon shares that the only thing people in the east of the country want for Christmas is peace. Please pray for those who are behind the conflict – that God would turn their hearts from war to peace. Pray for the work of the churches to promote peace, through trauma healing and mediation. Pray […]

Israel/Gaza: peace

Please continue to pray for peace to prevail. Pray for an end to suffering, for remaining hostages to be released, and for comfort for all those who have lost loved ones or who do not know what has happened to friends and family.

Uganda: healing following accident

Local partner Sam Malish was recently hit by a motorbike. We praise God that he only sustained minor injuries and pray for his full healing. 

“Truth gathering” – an intercultural worship journey

Rev Ruwani Gunawardene narrates a personal journey into the Asian Satsang style expression of worship

Politics needs theology

"Should religion and politics mix?" is not the right question – they always will. A better question is "how should they mix?"

Creation and Advent

What does it mean for Jesus to be born into a world of ecological collapse?

Brazil: community market

The community market in Recife continues each week with the regular families coming to get their food with their children. Mission partners Rosie and Stu Bayford ask for prayer as they prepare to ask some families to give up their spaces to new families who are more in need in the New Year. Please pray […]