Chile: plebiscite

Mission partners Alf and Hilary Cooper write: “Chile has been on a political rollercoaster over the last four years. After the social uprising in 2019, a constitution was proposed and rejected on 4 September 2022. Chile has changed. The mood is swinging to a conservative preservation of Chile’s republican values and now a further attempt […]


Give thanks for the Anglican presence at the COP28 summit, of which mission partner Joel Kelling is a key facilitator. Give thanks with Joel that: “Our relationships continue to grow and it is encouraging to be in solidarity and fellowship with the wider Anglican family here – sharing a meal together one evening – as well as […]

DR Congo: peace

Martin Gordon shares that the only thing people in the east of the country want for Christmas is peace. Please pray for those who are behind the conflict – that God would turn their hearts from war to peace. Pray for the work of the churches to promote peace, through trauma healing and mediation. Pray for the […]

Ethiopia: training for pastors in refugee camps

Chris and Suzy Wilson, mission partners in Addis Ababa, write that Chris recently had a great trip to one of the refugee camps to train local pastors in preaching. Praise God that the training sessions went well and that the students gave positive feedback about the course as a whole. As Chris looks into making […]

South Asia: theology exams and assignments

Mission partner F asks for prayer for theology students as they do their exams and practical assignments before their graduation on 15 December. Please pray that the long-delayed board meeting may take place soon and that the principal can get some help with the accounts and administration. Please pray, too, for young women to sign […]

Israel/Gaza: pray for peace

Please continue to stand with us and others around the world in praying for peace to prevail. We praise God that to date more than 100 hostages have been freed and allowed to return home, but lament the loss of more lives in the past few days. Pray for an end to suffering, for remaining […]

Kenya: training

Local partner Rachel Karanja asks for prayer for personal initiative training taking place in Kabuku from 11 to 13 December.  Pray for participants to come to the training with open minds, ready to engage with the material, and come away built up and ready to put their training into practice.  

South Asia: church Christmas event

Mission partners E and R write that their church is planning an event for children at a local charity, a separate Christmas event for an apartment block which has hundreds of families of various faiths and backgrounds as well as a joint service with a sister church. Please pray for all these events to go […]

South Sudan: ongoing conflict 

Local partners Paul and Regina Lueth ask for prayer for the families of people who have been killed and injured as a result of the conflict, and those in Twic County of Warrap State whose houses have been burned. The dead include soldiers deployed in that area to maintain security between the Ngok and Twic communities […]

UK: Clean for Good carol service

Tomorrow, 2 December, Clean for Good is hosting a carol service for cleaners in partnership with St Katharine Cree (a church and one of Clean for Good’s clients). The service will be held in Spanish, Portuguese and English and include some testimonies from cleaners about the impact of low pay, impact of faith on their […]

Indigenous Memory and Mission

Asking questions about the good ways to walk with indigenous peoples

Bolivia, Chile, Peru: growing faith

Give thanks for courses and groups in Bolivia, Chile and Peru: Andrew and Lisa Peart in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Alf and Hilary Cooper in Santiago, Chile, and Edward Anchor, short termer in Peru, all give thanks for various different courses and groups their churches have been running. These include youth groups, Alpha, marriage courses and […]