Uganda: travelling to support and encourage

Please pray for mission associates Hanna and Ian Spillman as they prepare to go to Uganda at the end of November for three months to support Church of Uganda Kisiizi Hospital. Hanna and Ian ask for prayer for God’s wisdom and discernment and that they might be an encouragement to their colleagues. Please pray, too, […]

The end of a season and the start of another

In mission, as in all life, sometimes things don’t work out quite like we expect.

Made to think – and see – in new ways

Bridget Shepherd was bored of church - and she was the vicar! Here she reflects on how studying for an MA with CMS Pioneer Mission Training has given her an alternative perspective.

Israel/Palestine: seeking peace

We continue to ask God for mercy, an end to violence and true and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians. We pray that more followers of Jesus will take up the call to be peacemakers and we pray that rising anti-Semitism and Islamaphobia around the world will cease. Continue to pray for CMS people in […]

Nepal: earthquake recovery

We pray for everyone affected by the recent earthquake and thank God that all of our people in mission are safe and unharmed. As with the earthquake in 2015, pray that followers of Jesus will be a visible witness to the grace of God during this time, as they provide basic necessities and comfort those […]

Ethiopia: refugee ministry

Mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson write from Addis Ababa: “We’ve been told we can collect our new work permit and residence IDs this week so pray that would all be completed as expected. “Chris is hoping to travel to the refugee camp to run [discipleship] training in mid-November. Some of our friends working for […]

Northern Argentina: faithful service

CMS staff in Oxford are grateful to have had time with retiring mission partners Catherine Le Tissier and Nick Drayson this week. We celebrated their decades of service in Argentina and beyond. They have both worked so hard in practically helping people to grow as disciples of Jesus, and helping create a movement of spirit-filled […]

Ukraine: unforgotten

We hear reports that amid so many other violent conflicts raging in our world, the people of Ukraine are feeling somewhat forgotten. Please keep praying for our people in mission: Alison, Anya and Valery, as they minister to people coping with fear, trauma, separation and loss. The weather is getting colder and the electricity infrastructure […]

Mission partners: health challenges and bereavements

Multiple mission partners have faced health challenges or loss of loved ones in recent weeks. Pray that God and others will comfort and sustain them during this time.

Recruitment near and far

Give thanks for new CMS staff joining us this week and next in our direct marketing team. Also give thanks for the opportunity staff members Bev and Philip had this week to attend the Christian Resources Exhibition event in the Midlands. Pray that the good conversations they had will progress into people coming forward for […]

KitKats, sticky notes and wires: CMS at Kingdom Code hackathon

What happened when CMS took an idea to the annual Kingdom Code hackathon in October...

Learning faith: new issue of Anvil journal is out now

The latest issue of Anvil shares reflections and insights from a research project into everyday faith in eight locations across Britain.