DR Congo: protection

We praise God for his protection of local partner Jeff Sikabwe’s family, particularly his son, Juste, who was injured by a stray bullet while he was asleep in the house. The soft tissue injury has recovered well. Jeff is currently travelling in Burundi to conduct training using CMS-Africa’s courses. Pray for God’s continued protection for Jeff […]

Israel/Palestine: ongoing conflict

Amid reports of bombing intensifying and more deaths, please pray for peace, for healing and for aid to reach those who need it most. Pray for an end to the cycle of violence. Pray for people to listen for the voice of God in the midst of this terrible tragedy. Mission partner Joel Kelling, based […]

Latin America: El Niño

Please pray for those affected by the changed weather patterns in Latin America as a result of El Niño. Several areas including the Amazon continue to be hit by severe drought while the Panama Canal has had to reduce the number of ships passing through it as there is not enough water to feed the […]

Latin America: creative, innovative mission

Pray for the ongoing conversations in Latin America involving the CMS Latin America team, people in mission and partners in the region exploring how CMS can best contribute to a movement of creative and innovative mission that will reach those who the traditional Church struggles to engage with.

Nepal: challenging decisions at UMN

Pray for local partner Dhana Lama, executive director of United Mission to Nepal (UMN), as she and others make some very challenging decisions over the next few weeks with regard to the UMN property. Pray for God’s hand upon the board meeting next week.

Nepal: sabbatical

Local partner Gopal and Susma Tamang, usually based in Nepal, are currently on sabbatical in India. Pray for the family as they settle into studies, a new city and a new church.

Uganda: registration for theological college

Please pray for Janani Luwum Theological College to be successfully registered with Uganda’s National Council for Higher Education as soon as possible.

South Asia: teaching synoptic gospels

Mission partner E starts teaching synoptic gospels on 6 November for a month. Please pray for wisdom as he prepares, and for the students to engage not only with studying, but with Jesus himself. Pray too for a new home for E and R, as their landlord is selling the house they live in. Pray […]

UK: Pioneer Training audit

Pray for Cathy Ross and the Oxford teaching team as they are visited by Durham University and Church of England inspectors to check the quality of CMS’s Pioneer Mission Training programme next week.

UK: Harry Moore 100th birthday

We celebrate with Harry Moore, who turned 100 years old this week! Praise God for his faithful service as a mission partner in Iran, later on CMS staff and from 1986 to 1990 as general secretary of CMS.

Harry’s Hundred

We celebrate a devoted life of service to God and to Church Mission Society as Rt Rev Harry Moore turns 100

Gaza and Israel and the Church on the frontline

Mission partner Joel Kelling reports on the church in action and reasons for hope