Ecuador: new president

Following elections last weekend, Ecuador has its youngest ever president, 35-year-old Daniel Noboa. President Noboa faces significant challenges in the country, notably increased insecurity as drug trafficking gangs vie for control of lucrative supply routes. Please pray for President Noboa and for Ecuador, particularly for peace and security for the people there.

Guatemala: ongoing protests

Please continue to hold Guatemala in prayer as protests continue to try to ensure a democratic transition of power following recent elections which were won by President-elect Bernardo Arévalo. Roads have been blocked across the country and food and fuel supplies have been highly limited. CMS mission partners Azaria Spencer and Mark and Rosalie Balfour […]

Israel/Palestine: ongoing conflict

Please pray for all those affected by the recent attack in Israel, which has killed thousands and displaced hundreds of thousands more, in Israel and in Gaza. Mission partners Jen and Kevin Cable are safe and have relocated to Jerusalem, where they are helping with crisis management, sharing God’s love with internally displaced people in […]

Paraguay and Brazil: rain

Tim Curtis, in Rio Verde, Paraguay, asks for prayer for rain in the Chaco region. It has not rained for a long time, the water tanks are empty and temperatures are often well above 40C. Similarly, the Amazon is also experiencing drought as water levels at the Manaus port in Brazil have reached their lowest […]

South Asia: theological teaching

We give thanks with mission partner F for a great teaching opportunity on church history in another part of the country. Please pray for this week’s teaching on creation care. Give thanks that the programmes, procedures and personnel have recently been accredited by the Asia Theological Association (ATA).

South Sudan: relief project for refugees 

Bishop Joseph Mamer of the Diocese of Wanyjok reports, “Praise the Lord! We are thankful to the Lord in everything. My diocesan team was in the field last week and met with the UN, other NGOs and the commission that is responsible for coordinating refugee affairs. The members also met with the leaders of refugee groups. We […]

Thailand: third culture kids conference

Please pray for one of our mission partners, who is one of the speakers at the third culture kids conference in Chiang Mai this weekend. Pray for clarity of thought and that her subject on contextualising the curriculum will be met with enthusiasm.

Thailand: bereavement

Please pray for mission partners Jason and Tracy Day and their family as Jason’s father has recently passed away.

Uganda: security situation

Please pray for the security situation in Uganda following on from the recent killings of two tourists and their guide at Queen Elizabeth National Park and the two bombs found in churches near Kampala. Mission associate Janie Robson is currently back at Potter’s Village, not that far from the park, for six weeks to support […]

Uganda: theological college registration

Mission partners Sarah and Simon Cawdell ask for prayer for Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College to be successfully registered with the National Council for Higher Education as soon as possible. This term students are based back at home, returning to the college in January. Sarah says: “Give thanks for the new purpose-built chapel in college, […]

UK: pioneer students

Please pray for CMS Pioneer Mission Training students, both those who study online and those who study in-person, who will be taking a break from study for our reading week in a few days. May they find refreshment.

Heartbreak in the Holy Land

CMS people in mission urgently ask for prayer.