Brand new Political Theology module with Theos

CMS collaborates with thinktank Theos to create a new course, Faith in Public.

Coming out fighting for “pioneering”

"Pioneer" has become a disputed word. But Rev Tina Hodgett, Pioneering Parishes project leader, can't think of a better term for initiators of new things.

Central America, Ecuador: travelling to encourage

Please continue to pray for Andrew Johnson and Jo Anthony, travelling to visit CMS people in mission in Central America and Ecuador respectively. Pray for continued safe travel and encouraging times with all those they visit and meet.

Ethiopia: renewing work permits and residence IDs

Please pray for Chris and Suzy Wilson as they renew these essential documents this month. Pray for the process to go smoothly and for Chris to be able to make good progress on his PhD while they wait for their applications to be processed. Pray for their paperwork to be processed in time for them […]

Guatemala: protests

The country has been brought to a standstill due to nationwide protests, including roadblocks, against those in authority who are perceived to be blocking the transition to power (in January) of the democratically elected president Bernardo Arévalo. Protests have been building for a few weeks but have gained momentum recently, and protestors are demanding the […]

Israel/Palestine: recent attack

Please pray for all those affected by the recent attack in Israel, which has already cost hundreds of lives. We weep with those who weep, in Israel and in Gaza. We pray for those in the midst of appalling grief and those now living in paralysing fear. We yearn for peace with justice for all. […]

Uganda: Potter’s Village

Pray for Janie Robson (CMS mission associate), who has returned to Potter’s Village in Kisoro for six weeks. Pray for wisdom, strength, energy and for God to fill her with his Holy Spirit and grace as he ministers to others through her. Pray, too, for a new physiotherapist to join the team at Potter’s.

Africa: team sharing and planning

Pray for people in mission and staff working across Africa as they meet online next week to share news and vision, and plan together for the coming months. Please pray that technology works well and that this is a fruitful and encouraging time for all.

Latin America: travelling to encourage

Please pray for Jo Anthony and Andrew Johnson from the CMS staff team who are travelling in Latin America this week. Andrew is in Central America and Jo in Bolivia and then Ecuador, visiting CMS people in mission in those areas. May they have safe and helpful trips and may they encourage and support all […]

Egypt: seeing God at work

A mission partner couple in Egypt invite us to give thanks for a number of encouragements in recent months: Pray for wisdom for these mission partners as they connect with people who have had dreams about Jesus or who have questions about faith. Pray also that they would be able to encourage believers in Jesus […]

Peru: local partner visit

Give thanks for local partner Victor Condori from Peru, who visited the CMS office in Oxford this week. Victor is rector of Cristo Redentor Anglican church in Arequipa, and is part of a team responsible for training future leaders (both lay and ordained) across Peru. Pray for Victor and the future leaders he is investing […]

South East Asia: special educational needs provision

Mission partners in South East Asia give thank for the chance to make connections at a recent conference for those involved in special educational needs provision in their country. Pray for opportunities to come out of those meetings. Also give thanks that the couple’s children are settling into the routine of a new school year.