Britain: Adelante conference

Pray for the Latin America forum organising the Adelante conference 2023, Mission on the Urban Edge: Pioneering mission in Latin American urban spaces on Saturday 23 September. Pray particularly for all of those who will be sharing both in the UK and from across Latin America and pray too for all of the technical elements […]

UK: Adelante conference

Pray for the Latin America forum organising the Adelante conference 2023, Mission on the Urban Edge: Pioneering mission in Latin American urban spaces on Saturday 23 September. Pray particularly for all of those who will be sharing both in the UK and from across Latin America and pray too for all of the technical elements […]

South East Asia: support for children with special educational needs (SEN)

Mission partners A and L work in a country where there is very limited support for children with special educational needs. L is arranging special educational needs workshops around the country which will allow teachers, professional SEN providers, consultants and parents to learn and network. Pray for God to open up channels of communication and […]

Philippines: Jigsaw

Pray for mission partner Tim Lee who is currently in the Philippines supporting Jigsaw Kids Ministries in addressing the online sexual abuse of children, which increased sharply during the pandemic. Pray for wisdom and inspiration in developing and implementing solutions and for encouragement for the Jigsaw team, who have achieved so much over the years.

Nepal: settling in

Give thanks with mission associates Dan and Phillipa Munday that their recent move went well and pray for the transition and settling into a new community. Pray for Phillipa as she explores what God has in store for her next as she no longer has a formal role. Pray for the Sunita project and for recruiting […]

Morocco: earthquake aftermath

The people of Morocco are reeling after the country’s worst earthquake in over 100 years hit on 8 September. Close to 3,000 people are confirmed dead and over 300,000 people are affected by the disaster. Pray for the rescue teams who are still working to find survivors to have the right equipment to hand when […]

Latin America: looking ahead

Please pray for the next stage of dialogue with leaders from across Latin America and with CMS’s people in mission and staff across the region regarding pioneering mission in Latin America. The aim is to look at how a mission movement might grow using creativity and innovation to share Jesus in the places where the […]

Guatemala: independence celebrations

As the country prepares for its annual independence celebrations this Sunday (with activities also on Saturday), it is experiencing a time of great political uncertainty with the election of a new president (who takes office in January) and there are fears of a coup or assassination being attempted by his opponents. Also, there is currently […]

Ecuador: drug trafficking gangs

Please pray for the people of Ecuador, where violence continues as drug trafficking gangs fight with the state authorities. Recently nearly 60 prison guards were taken hostage by imprisoned gang members although they were later released. Pray too for the country as it approaches its presidential election final run-off vote in mid-October. May the right […]

Brazil: Aguazinha community market

Thank you to those who have been praying for the community market in Aguazinha, which was struggling to source the surplus food necessary to supply those in need. Rosie and Stu Bayford write that they are once again receiving more food, allowing them to once again offer fresh fruit and veg to the local community. […]

Open hands

A CMS Presence resource to assist in nurturing prayerful presence

A gospel rooted among those at the edges

From army life to social enterprise in Bangladesh to pioneer mission in Cornwall – and all points in between! MA graduate Ben Hudd shares his remarkable story.