Sudan: difficult and dangerous

Bishop Hassan James, CMS and CMS-Africa local partner and a constant voice for peace in Kadugli Diocese, asks for prayer for “the pain caused by the war we have in Sudan, especially South Kordofan, in the Nuba Mountains.” Specifically: “Many have lost their lives in the conflict between the SPLM [Sudan People’s Liberation Movement] and […]

Ukraine: under pressure

Our people in mission in Ukraine – Alison, Valery and Anya – report that “a big issue is dealing with a sense of hopelessness as the war continues on.” This feeling was likely intensified this week as a Russian strike hit a crowded market in the Ukrainian city of Kostiantynivka, killing at least 17 people. […]

Peru: clothing former prisoners

From mission partner Anna Sims, who ministers among female prisoners and ex-offenders in Peru: “The Winter Clothing Event for the ex-offenders was a joyful time. All the ex-offenders that we currently work with in Lima are invited to hear a short reflection and then ‘shop’ from the seasonal clothing donations we’ve received. Each woman is […]

Allen Gardiner day 2023

A special anniversary leads Paul Tester to reflect on mission at the edges

Exchange of abundance – Greenbelt 2023

Idina Dunmore shares her take on this year's Greenbelt Festival and particularly the Exchange venue, which was co-hosted by CMS.

Letting Photos Speak

A new book co-authored by a past participant on CMS's Make Good course helps you practically explore 'contemplative photography'.

South West Hub grows in Cornwall

Sally Taylor and Lindsey Morgan-Lundie report on "extending the walls of the tent" as a new cohort of pioneer students in the South West Hub camp out in Cornwall.

Video: Together to the edges

Global voices come together in this short video by our partners from around the world.

“May they be one…”

CMS community member Dr Yvonne Craig has been reflecting on unity in Jesus after reading the summer 2023 issue of CMS Magazine

To be: more curious, less furious

In the Gospels, Jesus asks dozens of questions. Do we have the courage to be curious, with Jesus?

How not to evangelise among Westerners

In this post, Dr Harvey Kwiyani, African Christianity Programme Lead at CMS Pioneer Mission Training, reflects on non-Western evangelists in the West and how not to evangelise!

“Faith is the foundation”

Helen Harwood talks to undergraduate student Laura Evans about friendship, inspiration and starting on the pioneer journey.