Ukraine: rebuilding a home

Progress is being made on Alison’s flat, which was badly damaged by fire over a year ago. Praise God for all those from Alison’s church who have been assisting in different ways.

Ukraine: couples separated by war

Mission partner Alison Giblett asks for prayer for Ukrainian married couples separated by the war. Many women and children are living as refugees in other countries while husbands and fathers are not allowed to leave Ukraine. The law has been changed to make divorce simpler, and many women who are now settled abroad have an […]

“There is life at the edges…”

In the summer, Church Mission Society celebrated how God is at work with partners from around the world

CMS Magazine Summer 2023

All the stories from the Summer 2023 edition in one place

Neema and Jigsaw: 20 years at the edges

Two pioneering CMS ventures notch up their 20th anniversary in 2023

Learning to lay things down

Phil and Sylvie Good reflect on how Middle East mission meant laying aside not just home comforts but even the skills they had to offer

The open table

Johnny Sertin surveys a landscape of hope and healing across post-Christian Britain

Hack to the Future – at Greenbelt and beyond

CMS web developer Madeline Linnell has news about a new project to hack solutions to pioneer problems

Awe and wonder

The CMS Certificate reawakened Sarah Carney's creativity and gave her a vision for an art exhibition.

Working on our posture

Activist and author Shane Claiborne paid a visit to Church Mission Society for a lively conversation about mission.

Lay Pioneering and Thriving in Mission – a New Grove Book

We need to listen more carefully to the experience and gifts of informal, grassroots pioneers, says James Butler, introducing his new Grove book on lay pioneers.

My word – indigenous!

Jonny Baker enthuses over the latest issue of Anvil: we have so much to learn from indigenous perspectives