Good COP? Bad COP?

A delegation from the worldwide Anglican Communion was seeking climate justice at COP27. Mission partner Joel Kelling was there.

Ukraine update 11 Nov 2022

Our people in mission in Ukraine, Alison, Valery and Anya are currently travelling to the east of the country with a  team of about 20 people to distribute humanitarian aid and provide spiritual comfort. Please pray that all will go well in terms of logistics and continue to pray for all Ukrainians suffering from the […]

New ANVIL journal: Thriving in mission

The latest issue looks at sustainability from the viewpoints of theology and mission

Ukraine: overcoming darkness

We heard earlier in the week from CMS local partner and pastor Valery Alymov in Kyiv: “Today we were again subjected to heavy rocket attacks. In Kyiv, there is no electricity, communications, water… The Russians attacked our infrastructure. Pray for us. We really want to get ready for the coming winter.” Please continue to pray […]

Ukraine: power struggles

Power cuts are a big problem now in Ukraine; our people in mission there tell us it’s harder to get around as public transport is extremely limited. Pray for an end to the destruction of electricity supplies and other important infrastructure. Continue to pray for an end to the violence and pray that all Christians, […]

CMS Magazine Autumn 2022

All the stories from the Autumn 2022 edition in one place

A listening year

Church Mission Society has bold mission plans, but we dare not launch them without first listening to Jesus, to each other and to voices from the edges.

Leading with God’s love

Meet local partner Dhana Lama, the first Nepali leader of United Mission to Nepal

Asia-CMS celebrates 10th anniversary

Sister organisation marks decade of connecting, collaborating and catalysing mission in Asia.

Passing the baton

Maurice Sinclair reflects on the learning he gained from taking part in Adelante, CMS’s Latin America-focused mission gathering.

With each other: reflecting on mission together in Asia

Rev Dr Chan Nam Chen, executive director of AsiaCMS, reflects on its first decade

Walking with refugees in Lebanon

CEO Alastair Bateman's recent travels shone a light on perhaps the most important part of mission work - relationships