How to… challenge cultural norms

Culture - famously - "eats strategy for breakfast". So when trying to bring change, it makes sense to pay attention to social norms in play.

How to… cross cultures with beautiful feet

Rev Sameh Metry, a church leader in west London, shares what he has learned about sharing Jesus in interfaith contexts.

Seeing God in everything

Caversham Park Church has found increased confidence through Partnership for Missional Church

Crafted with love

How Partnership for Missional Church got Woosehill knitting for those in need

How PMC changed me

Deep relationships and excitement "when God shows up" in Partnership for Missional Church

Our patron: The Most Rev Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

Archbishop Justin’s well-known love of Africa began on a Church Mission Society short-term placement when he was 18.

Candid Beer Launch – another Make Good idea becomes real

Mark and Jess Bamping launch their community hub – Candid Beer in Stafford this weekend. Mark loves beer and I am sure will brew as well as serve up decent local and creative independent craft beers. But the driver is community and rather than calling it a cafe or pub it’s a community hub. Mark […]

Video: Dave Bookless – The Earth is the Lord’s

Dave Bookless says: "When Christians take the earth seriously, people take the gospel seriously."

Creation Care: a biblical reflection

At a key moment in the story of humanity's engagement with the earth and her creatures, Ian Adams reflects on Genesis.

How to… do pioneering mission with people of all seasons

David Palmer, former CMS Pioneer student, shares his learning from working with older people in Market Harborough

‘God’s sentinel’

2019 is a significant year for South American Christians, writes Nick Drayson, CMS mission partner and the Bishop of Northern Argentina. The new year marks the 150th anniversary of two key events: the founding of the first successful Anglican mission on what would become Argentine soil, and the consecration of the first bishop. Both of […]

So how Christian is Halloween?

Halloween is the most Christian festival, says American pastor Phil Wyman