How to… engage effectively with humanitarian organisations

NGOs and faith communities alike need to critically reflect on their own imposed values and practices, says Fiona Kelling

‘Ask, seek, knock’ as a posture for mission

On Sunday 16 September Dr Cathy Ross, leader of the MA course for CMS Pioneer Mission Leadership Training, was installed as canon theologian at Leicester Cathedral. And she preached! Here’s an extract… “Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For […]

Audio: Prayer exercises by Ian Adams

Now with added series of prayers exploring movement, sound and paradox in prayer. Also includes praying with the parables and the seasons.

How to… do mission in the face of depression

Here I am, clinically depressed and STILL a mission partner, doing my best to go forward with life and mission amid many questions. 

How to… put women in our rightful place

Tara Martin reflects on how the church can model gender equality.

How to… innovate the future

Innovation is what happens when God’s future comes head to head with the present, says the Rev Dr Michael Moynagh.

Dwelling in the Word

One of the key spiritual practices of Partnership for Missional Church.

How to… pioneer mission on a new housing estate

By Ali Boulton, pioneer mission enabler

How to… notice what God is up to

Become a detective of divinity!

How to… cope with disabled dreams

"My disablements are all part of God’s calling on my life"

How to… be a change maker

Jane Jerrard spent two decades in Pakistan, working with marginalised local people to accomplish goals they never thought possible.

How to… start a missional community

Andrea Campanale of Sacred Space Kingston shares her learning