South Asia: church Christmas event

Mission partners E and R write that their church is planning an event for children at a local charity, a separate Christmas event for an apartment block which has hundreds of families of various faiths and backgrounds as well as a joint service with a sister church. Please pray for all these events to go […]

South Sudan: ongoing conflict 

Local partners Paul and Regina Lueth ask for prayer for the families of people who have been killed and injured as a result of the conflict, and those in Twic County of Warrap State whose houses have been burned. The dead include soldiers deployed in that area to maintain security between the Ngok and Twic communities […]

UK: Clean for Good carol service

Tomorrow, 2 December, Clean for Good is hosting a carol service for cleaners in partnership with St Katharine Cree (a church and one of Clean for Good’s clients). The service will be held in Spanish, Portuguese and English and include some testimonies from cleaners about the impact of low pay, impact of faith on their […]

Bolivia, Chile, Peru: growing faith

Give thanks for courses and groups in Bolivia, Chile and Peru: Andrew and Lisa Peart in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Alf and Hilary Cooper in Santiago, Chile, and Edward Anchor, short termer in Peru, all give thanks for various different courses and groups their churches have been running. These include youth groups, Alpha, marriage courses and […]

DR Congo: escalating conflict before the election

Mission partner Martin Gordon, Bishop of Goma in eastern DR Congo, writes: “In the last few weeks on the military frontline 20 km north of Goma we have seen one of [the Anglican church’s] school teachers killed, one of our schools destroyed by bombs and two schoolchildren kidnapped. Schools have not started the academic year […]

Ecuador: new Orchid Project

Prayer for a new Orchid Project in Cuenca, Ecuador. This project helps young adults with learning disabilities learn the life skills they need in order to be more independent. It has been running for just over a month at Cuenca Christian Church, coordinated by Beverley Cannon de Pinos and Johnny Pinos. This project was originally […]

Israel/Gaza: pray for peace

Please continue to stand with us and those around the world in praying for peace to prevail. Pray for an end to suffering, and for comfort for all those who have lost loved ones or who do not know what has happened to friends and family. See more prayer points for the Holy Land on […]

South Asia: Christians facing persecution

We were really pleased to welcome mission partners who serve in South Asia to the CMS office this week. As well as sharing about their work, they challenged us to pray for our brothers and sisters facing persecution across South Asia. This can take the form of violence, destruction of churches, prejudice and legal difficulties. […]

Uganda: theological training

Caroline and Dick Seed, mission partners working in theological education, say thank you for praying over the last few weeks while they were in Uganda delivering training. They shared, “The Lord went before us and our time was successful in many ways.” Give thanks for the training to two different groups. Pray that the lecturers […]

Brazil: open doors for the gospel

In Florianópolis, mission partners Andy and Kati Walsh and Katia Rocks are longing to share Jesus with and disciple men, women and young people in prison. Please pray for favour with decision makers and for breakthrough so that Andy, Kati, Katia and other believers are allowed to run discipleship courses in the women’s prison and […]

Czech Republic: help for those in need

Mission partners Lea and Petra Williams ask for prayer for Vesna, a charity in Czech Republic. Petra is involved in Vesna’s wardrobe project, which offers practical help, emotional support, emergency accommodation and educational programmes, and she also supports and recruits volunteers for the project. Many of the volunteers are Ukrainians who have received help from […]

DR Congo: Rooted in Jesus discipleship course

We rejoice with local partner Etsegeri Emmanuel for the progress made in translating Book Two of the course into the local language. Pray for inspiration for the translators as they press on and seek to find clear, accurate ways to express the meaning of the text in the local language.