South Asia: consultation in the New Year
Please pray for the South Asia Christian Youth Network (SACYN) as they plan for a 2025 consultation on intergenerational leadership. Pray for God’s leading for the team so that they can make decisions in unity and facilitate a productive, Spirit-led consultation.
UK: Christmas message from Bishop Martin Gordon
We give thanks that mission partner Martin Gordon, Bishop of Goma, DR Congo, has been given the opportunity to preach at midnight communion on Christmas Eve from St Mary’s Warwick, and broadcast on BBC One. Pray for God to speak to people’s hearts through Martin’s message.
Ukraine: Christmas outreach
Please pray for our partners in Ukraine: mission partner Alison Giblett, local partner Anya Manchuliak and local partner Valery Alymov, who is pastor of the Tabernacle of the Living God church in Kyiv. The church is putting on several events for the local community over Christmas. Pray that God will make known the great offer […]
Worldwide: Christmas break
As CMS people in mission and staff celebrate Christmas, please pray for a restful time with family and friends for those who will see them, and a meaningful time of celebrating the coming of Jesus for all. For those in countries where there is persecution, pray for safety. Pray for fresh vision for how God […]
Brazil: prison ministry
Please pray for mission partners Andy and Kati Walsh as they press on in prison ministry despite opposition from prison staff. Andy and Kati ask for prayer for swift approval from the governor for them to resume ministry in the women’s prison and for every stronghold hindering the gospel’s work to be broken. Pray that […]
Ethiopia: training for church leaders in refugee camps
Mission partners Chris and Suzy Wilson write that two weekends of teaching in the refugee camps were cancelled due to permission issues in November. Please pray for Bishop Martin Reakes-Williams and Meaza at the Anglican Church as they seek to meet with the authorities in order for the church to be able send people into […]
Rwanda: training of trainers
Josias Nkusi, CMS-Africa’s country coordinator for Rwanda, asks for prayer for an upcoming training of trainers event. Pray for those being trained to run women’s empowerment courses in Byumba diocese this weekend: for each one of the trainers to connect deeply with the principles of the course and be empowered and excited to begin sharing this […]
South Asia: theological education exhibition
Give thanks for a theological education exhibition that took place in early December where around 70 theological education institutions, Christian publishers and media channels showcased their programmes. Continue to pray for interest from members of the local Christian community and that many Christians may be motivated to learn more about their faith as a result.
South Sudan: struggles for power
“Pray for the situation in Juba and South Sudan at large, we have serious struggles for power among the political leaders. May God intervene and help us to have peace and stability,” writes local partner and CMS-Africa country coordinator Joseph Noel. Please pray for God to turn the hearts of people from every tribe to reconciliation […]
Syria: ongoing crisis
Please pray for Syria, where the ongoing crisis has escalated recently. Different groups have been fighting to try to seize control of the country since 2011, and after Syrian rebels took control of the country’s capital last week, President Bashar al-Assad escaped to Russia, which prompted celebrations in the streets of the capital. Pray for […]
DR Congo: peace centre in Bunia
“Praise the Lord that we are still alive. Pray for peace in Congo,” writes local partner Bisoke Balikenga, who runs a peace centre in Bunia. Pray for miraculous provision for the many in the area who are suffering malnutrition due to rising prices of basic commodities. As Bisoke and others at the peace centre bring […]
DR Congo: Sunday school curriculum
We praise God with CMS-Africa and mission partner Martin Gordon, Bishop of Goma, that six representatives from four dioceses were recently able to come together to begin writing Sunday school training materials for churches in DR Congo. Give thanks that three writers have committed to spending the next six months writing material for children, adolescents and […]