Seeing the wood and seeing the trees

Two recently published articles may encourage us to both zoom in and zoom out to see a clearer picture of our own missional context.

Pioneering Parishes: the word is getting out

Pioneering Parishes is about redirecting congregations’ energy outward into their local communities.

Jesus: pioneer of pioneers

As Jesus initiated newness, so he calls his followers to do the same, says Greg Bakker

Clown state

Tina Hodgett finds the similarities between pioneering and clowning hit her like a custard pie in the face.

New Anvil journal showcases students’ thinking

The latest issue of ANVIL journal of theology and mission features reflections on mission and pioneering from CMS students.

Is everyone a pioneer?

Of course our gifts are not all the same, but congregations can enable newness...

Praying from the edges

Jonny Baker writes of the new life and vision to be found when seeking to pray with the most marginalised people.

Nothing in Common?

Greg Bakker imagines how life could be different for parish priests and pioneers

The “little people” matter to God

Rev Dr Chan Nam Chen of Asia-CMS reflects on the best mission strategy: being led by the Holy Spirit

Reading the Bible from the edges

Maybe you can listen to the voice of someone at the edges and read the Bible with them, through their eyes, says Jonny Baker.

Seeing Mr Bates vs The Post Office but not perceiving

James Butler asks if there is a bigger and deeper story behind the parable of the subpostmasters.

What does “mission” really mean?

Colin Smith ponders the meanings that lie beneath a key word for the church today