A Guide to Creative Conversations

A new practical resource for use in all kinds of mission and church situations.

The spirituality of fundraising

Spirituality. Fundraising. In the same sentence? Really? Why should we ask for money? Why do we give, as a response to the asking?

How to… establish an ethical business

Tim Thorlby on the lessons learned by Clean for Good, a social business giving cleaners a better deal.

Fifteen questions about short-term mission visits

Nicci Maxwell has some things to thinks about before you embark on a short-term mission trip.

How to… challenge cultural norms

Culture - famously - "eats strategy for breakfast". So when trying to bring change, it makes sense to pay attention to social norms in play.

How to… cross cultures with beautiful feet

Rev Sameh Metry, a church leader in west London, shares what he has learned about sharing Jesus in interfaith contexts.

Video: Dave Bookless – The Earth is the Lord’s

Dave Bookless says: "When Christians take the earth seriously, people take the gospel seriously."

Creation Care: a biblical reflection

At a key moment in the story of humanity's engagement with the earth and her creatures, Ian Adams reflects on Genesis.

So how Christian is Halloween?

Halloween is the most Christian festival, says American pastor Phil Wyman

How to… put women in our rightful place

Tara Martin reflects on how the church can model gender equality.

How to… innovate the future

Innovation is what happens when God’s future comes head to head with the present, says the Rev Dr Michael Moynagh.

How to… pioneer mission on a new housing estate

By Ali Boulton, pioneer mission enabler