Beverley Cannon de Pinos, Ecuador

Working with a multicultural church, helping them go to the edges and meeting a variety of practical and spiritual needs within the church

Emil and Reem Bourizk, Lebanon

Providing education for refugee children and offering pastoral care for non-church people and Iraqi Christian families.

Fiona and Joel Kelling, Jordan

Working alongside local churches to care for vulnerable groups and strengthen the mission of the Church in the Middle East.

Hemkhomang Haokip, India

Serves at a theological college that strives to equip lay leaders in the church as well as up-and-coming leaders in the Church and society.

Andy and Kati Walsh, Brazil

Working with local church partners in Florianópolis, helping people in challenging contexts to find hope in Jesus

Andrew and Lisa Peart, Bolivia

Partnering with the local church to engage with the community in pioneering mission through generous, creative hospitality

Hassan James, Sudan

Assistant bishop of Kadugli diocese, training church leaders and young people, preaching the word and serving the church

Stephen Hatch, Tanzania

Investing in children’s futures and spiritual growth through working as a maths and IT teacher and in chaplaincy at St John’s Seminary

Nicci Maxwell, South Sudan

Providing paediatric and neonatal medical care to local and refugee communities, and training and supporting local paediatric teams

Azaria and David Pocasangre, Guatemala

Supporting vulnerable communities, especially young people and families, through partnership with the local church

Walter Toro, Bolivia

Anglican Bishop of Bolivia, the first Bolivian national to take on this role

Habeeb Kamal, Egypt

Shares the gospel with unreached people groups in Egypt and Sudan, teaches and disciples believers.