Trees, chalk and theology in Walthamstow
East London pioneer Rachel Summers is on a mission to get people to notice trees in their neighbourhood and her efforts are now inspiring more and more people thanks to blossoming media coverage
Five boxers get ringside baptisms in Romford
Pioneer minister and CMS graduate David Harrigan baptised five members of the Good Shepherd Boxing Community in a unique setting
Candid Beer Launch – another Make Good idea becomes real
Mark and Jess Bamping launch their community hub – Candid Beer in Stafford this weekend. Mark loves beer and I am sure will brew as well as serve up decent local and creative independent craft beers. But the driver is community and rather than calling it a cafe or pub it’s a community hub. Mark […]
I looked in the mirror and saw a different me – Interview with Fiona Mayne
by Helen Harwood Once an atheist, now a mission pioneer on a new housing development: Fiona Mayne, a first year BA student with CMS Pioneer Mission Leadership Training, and a pioneer ordinand, told me her story. HH: Can I ask when you first realised that God was real? FM: I always thought that the Bible […]
‘Ask, seek, knock’ as a posture for mission
On Sunday 16 September Dr Cathy Ross, leader of the MA course for CMS Pioneer Mission Leadership Training, was installed as canon theologian at Leicester Cathedral. And she preached! Here’s an extract… “Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For […]
Holding Space – interview with Rachel Summers
Helen Harwood interviews Rachel Summers, a member of the first cohort of students doing the CMS Certificate in the pioneer hub, St Cedd's, and author of Wild Lent.
Laughter and muddy fields: pioneering in Hinckley and Lubbesthorpe
Helen Harwood meets pioneer graduate Sue Steer, who has completed a diploma with Church Mission Society.